One of the symptoms of ADHD is impulsiveness, acting without thinking at all. Well, yesterday it paid off!
We had gone to York to look at disability bikes for Imogen (see yesterday's blog!) and after trying out a few we drove into York. It was a busy Saturday in the city centre and Imogen had not had her meds as we don't give them at the weekend. Ironically, she had actually asked us if she could take them that morning and we had put her off. As we walked through the crowded streets and down the Shambles we were constantly running after and then waiting for Imogen. She was definitely on sensory overload and was not doing well; going from running out into the crowds to a moany 'I don't want to do this.....' said with very long vowels and leaning on Murray causing him to effectively drag her along.
We did get a bit of respite when we stumbled upon the York Festival of Faith - an African drumming troop had just started on the stage and Imogen managed to clear herself a little area as she stomped and jumped in her African dance for a few minutes. It was interesting to observe that people all walked normally until they got into within a 2 metre radius of Imogen, where they suddenly fell into a strange African dance until they were through the area! After dragging her away from the drums and then from the American mormon giving out sweets (I think she would have cleared him out of anything and everything he was giving away!) we ambled along to the Fudge Kitchen. Now I remember many happy summers visiting York with my family and watching them make fudge in the Fudge Kitchen. Never once did I think to ask if I could help. Never once did I cross the fence, don the apron and join the fudge makers. Now I realise what my problem was....I thought!
As we stood watching the fudge maker at work, suddenly Imogen (without asking one of us first) yelled out 'Can I help?' -Who wouldn't want to help?! And to my shock, then delight, then horror as I thought about the potential for problem, they said 'yes!'
Twenty minutes later Imogen, and Jed (by then Imogen had also asked if he could help!) were clad in green aprons and straw boaters and turned into 'Chief Loafer' and 'Chief Creamer' respectively. They had a great time, moving the fudge around to break up the sugar crystals (I know all the terminology now!) and gathering it all up. The staff were all lovely and Tia in particular was so patient with Imogen claiming that the line of fudge they had created was one of the best she had seen! After they had finished we all went outside to celebrate the 30th birthday of the Fudge Kitchen by singing and giving out balloons with vouchers inside.
Had Imogen asked me if she could help, I would have said 'no!' Had she thought about her arm and the fact that the creamer was a two handed job, she wouldn't have asked. So I guess the moral of this story is that sometimes having ADHD pays off!
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