Monday, 15 April 2013

Is it OK to miss drugs??

Facebook is full today of statuses (is that the plural of status??!)  from Mum's wishing the last few days of school holidays to go past quickly.  I have to say, I do not share this sentiment.  I don't look forward to losing the kids to school again.  I have enjoyed spending time with them, going to the park, snuggling up to DVDs, the odd board game, meals cooked and eaten at a more leisurely pace.  There is however, something I am missing...

Methylphenidate Hydrochloride (otherwise known as ADHD meds).  I mentioned these in a previous post stating that I love the fun Immi who smiles in the holidays while she is off the meds.  Now however I am getting to the end of my the end of 'please go and get dressed Imogen' for endless hours until I go and dress her.  Her homework over the holiday has simply been to read a little each day and to focus on 6 words to learn.  This small bit of homework we ignored the first week while we were in Scotland, but have attempted this week.  It has been a stark reminder of how things used to be.  An arguement and strong negotiation to actually get an attempt (I should work for the UN - my negotiation skills are well honed!) and then the effort, oh the effort of reading a sentence, just one sentence in one go without getting distracted by everything and nothing.

We also noticed very very quickly her need for proprioceptive stimulation (needing lots and lots and lots of hugs and needing her weighted blanket at night).  I like hugs but not that much and do find it waring having a 9 year old wanting to cling on all the time.  I waiver between wanting to tell her to stop, to feeling really guilt about telling her that I've had enough (a Mum isn't supposed to do that are they??)

It has shown us clearly how much of a difference this medication, that gets a lot of bad press, makes to our daughter.  We deliberated for many months about whether we should try it.  I am glad we did.


  1. fantastically written, All parenthood seems to involve a degree of trading one guilt off another. I am sure that you keep perspective on this but dont doubt your choices. From the little I know from these blogs and what I know about you personally Immi could not wish for a better or more consciencious and loving mother. It strikes me that you are awesome and are doing an awesome job.
    (btw This is Matthew Burt)little lion man is my "nom du Blog")

  2. Bring on the meds!! Seriously though, for those children it really makes a difference to, it REALLY makes a difference!! x

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