Thursday, 4 April 2013

The baggage we would love to leave behind...

Where am I?  
In the middle of Scotland in a log cabin in the middle of no where.  In fact so in the middle of nowhere that I am writing in Word to copy and past into my blog when I get some wi-fi!

It is lovely to be away from it all I’m sure you would all agree, a chance to unwind and not think about the stresses that lean on you in every day life.  Some however, we carry everywhere...

Imogen’s right arm has been much looser since the botox injections a few weeks ago, so much so that she is trying to move things with her arm, it normally ends up having the effect of getting stuck on something and not being able to get free – a drawer handle, a coat sleeve, her own hair (or even worse – someone else’s!)  But it has been good to see her trying to use some gross motor control.  Today we went to a coffee shop, it was a lovely little place, bright pink interior with all sorts of different types of tea (wonderful if you are a tea drinker – I’m waiting for coffee heaven!)  We ordered drinks and two pieces of cake to share, therein followed a strange dance of Mum and Dad taking it in turns to catch forks, then large cake pieces, then fork again, napkin, close catch on the milkshake....this went on with nerves getting more and more frayed, not only with the fear of a spillage but also with realising by now that others around have seen her arm flailing, realised that her remarks are a little ‘unorthodox’ and are now probably wondering what is wrong with her.  We decided to just feed her.  Calm.

Then this evening, at the log cabin hotel, Imogen was eating her dinner; chicken goujons, chips and peas.  Now, at home we have a plate with sides as peas in particular are tricky to eat one handed.  Imogen valiantly chased the peas around the plate with numerous falling off the front, then the sides, eventually we asked for a spoon, and we tried the ‘you hold the spoon, I’ll hold the knife (to push them on) trick’ but by this time appetite was fading and in the end peas were left discarded as Imogen decided there were more interesting things to do, ie retire to the lounge area where a couple had just come in with their Border Collie.  She petted the dog and kept them entertained for a good 10 minutes telling them she was saving up for a puppy and that she had a German Shepherd Dog in Kygyzstan, until they very politely decided to move to another area of the lounge...

After dinner we decided to take a family stroll up the hill to take in the view over the highlands nearby.  However after about 100metres Imogen had other ideas .  She wanted to go back and go to bed, however we so often pass over things or one of us misses out and stays with Imogen we decided, maybe unfairly I don’t know, that we were going to do this.  It really wasn’t far – about 400 metres in total, on smooth road, up a gentle incline.  At the beginning of the walk we had seen two deer, well they soon ran off I’m sure as Imogen decided there was no way she was going further. ‘No Way!’  She ranted and raved, she hated us, she was leaving this family!  When she turned and said she was going back, we said ‘oh no you’re not’ and basically carried her up the last 100 metres where we reached the flat, and the most amazing view. I remember back to when I was at school, one year we went to Wales and climbed Snowdon.  I remember struggling, I remember moaning, but I also remember getting to the top and thinking ‘Wow, it was all worth it!’, but sadly, this didn’t seem to happen with Immi. She did stop moaning and even decided to put her tongue away and smile for the photo when she was asked!  But what hard work.  I long for being able to go out for a long walk, taking in the sights, the sounds, the fresh air, a whole day, stopping somewhere with sandwiches, getting covered in mud, pink cheeks because you have been out in the wind.  Jed is so ready for that, jumping from rock to rock, he is ready for the long walks form which you emerge tired but content.  

But today we did something as a family, we got the top of a hill, yes, it wasn’t far, yes we had to drag her up the last part, but she did it, she achieved and we did it as a family and that is good.

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