Friday, 6 November 2020



It’s 7.30am, it’s not been a good night.  A mixture of babies on the ward, loud talkers, fireworks until the early hours and nightmares.  I have to admit to fighting fear.  Immi’s eyes are well over to the left and she hasn’t spoken yet.  Everyone says it’s early days and it got me to thinking about being born.  In many ways there are similarities; her brain is having to learn to work in a completely new way.  Just as a baby doesn’t develop over night, but takes weeks to form, grow and develop, her brain and body is having to do the same.  And just as new parents don’t have any idea what they are doing and are full of trepidation mixed with a bit of fear and excitement I sit here fretting over her new behaviours and desperate to see improvement and development.

It’s similar in the spirit realm too.  Jesus said that just like when we are born physically as babies, we need to be born again spiritually.  When we make a decision to follow Jesus it’s a new start.  We often know nothing.  The three basic needs of all babies are to know they are loved, to know they are safe and to know they will have their needs met.  It is the same for us now and the same for when we start a new life with God.  He wants us know we are safe in him, we are loved by him and we will have our needs met by him.

I’m concentrating on these now.  Sat here, we have all we need in this moment, we are in the safest and most specialised place right now. We are having our needs met, by hospital staff and by many of you who will read this blog. And we are loved, by God, but also evidenced by the many many messages of support we are being send.

So as I sit watching the monitor I’m holding onto all of these and to the fact that like when she was a baby my job is to keep her safe, to love her and enable her needs to be met. Then I can just watch her develop in her time.


  1. Oh Karen, this is the absolute truth, and just as you are holding and nurturing Immi I'm praying that you feel God holding and nurturing you💕 #justbeheld

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  3. I like this analogy. It describes it all perfectly. Each morning I wake up and grab my phone to see how Immi is. It’s a privilege to read the journey. Now to pray for you all...
