Monday, 2 November 2020

Hemispherotomy inpatient update #1

 It is Mon 2nd November and I’m sat by an empty bed as Immi is in the MRI machine. She has to have a general anaesthetic for an MRI as the dystonia in her right arm prevents her from staying still enough. 

We arrived yesterday (with Boris announcing lockdown as we travelled up the night before!) wondering whether they would stop surgeries again and send us back home again! 

We arrived to the admissions ward at 7am yesterday. It was Sunday so it’s is a bit quieter usually anyway, but this time we didn’t see any other patients at all. They allowed all three of us in and swabbed us all for covid. After a five hour wait and negative results all round, we were allowed up onto the neuro ward. At this point Immi and I had to say goodbye to Murray. Thankfully though Ronald McDonald House had one room left that they allowed us to have so he unloaded the rest of our stuff to there.  The rest of the day was very uneventfully passed watching DVDs and settling onto the ward. 

After an AWFUL night’s sleep, (obs, doctors, being opposite the nurses station and lots of other noises kept us awake most of the night. Immi wasn’t allowed to eat after 2am so wanted a midnight feast! I was struggling with a headache and had forgotten how loud this ward is!) we got up early and we’re ready to be taken down to the MRI machine for 9am. Which brings us up to date! 

Thank you for following our story. I will write a blog every few days on here, but for more immediate updates we have a Facebook group. Please message me if you would like an invite to that.

Finally thank you so much to everyone who is supporting us both practically, financially, emotionally and spiritually. We are so thankful for all of you. Xx

1 comment:

  1. Hi Karen, Thanks for posting. Could you please add me to the facebook group so that I can get your updates? Thanks Audrey
