Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Lesser spotted ADHD girl in her natural environment.

So my daughter's homework this week was to join in Earth hour and write about it.  This is when you turn off electricity in the house for 1 hour and do something else.

Not a hard homework you may think, however, remember the ADHD???? Imogen doesn't take meds at the weekend, so it has been fun! I thought I would write my own report of Imogen's earth hour to give you an idea of the travail!

So 4pm, we look at the homework and decide to get her reading and other bit of homework done, then play a game.  So off we go, first thing is to decide what she will say in assembly about her robot and robot dog that she made out of cereal boxes.  This task was not too arduous as she told me what she would like to say and I wrote it down.  This took us up to 4.15pm

At this point I suggested she chose a board game to play, get it out and then we do her reading before playing.  So off she goes to the games cupboard (in the dining room).  I see her again at 4.33pm!

She sits down and reads her book, again, not too bad.  She is finally making some progress.  We finish the 6 pages of reading (only a sentence per page) 10 minutes later.  4.43pm  She decides she no longer wants to play 'Sorry' the game she got out.  
I say that she should start writing something for her earth hour work as the time is going.  She strops off with the game and I see her again 10 mins later with nothing, though she says she has some Hama beads ready.

We still haven't done her intensive targetted word learning (4 words to focus on a week) or her letters and sounds work (she hasn't the capacity to cope with this, so actually I am not going to bother with it).  I look in her yellow letters and sounds book and find a note from the Teaching Assistant who teaches her group, it says 'Could you please practise your spelling.'  (No question mark I note - its not a question, more of a command!!)  I suppress the urge to write 'NO!' in capital letters and just push the book to one side and go in search of my daughter.  By this time it is 5.15pm and she hasn't started her writing about Earth hour (though she has easily filled an hour with nothing!!!)
She comes back into the room where her paper is waiting and spots a fox out of the window, an easy distraction.  I try the desperate 'You could write about the fox?' suggestion, but no, she does pick up her pencil but starts writing about church this morning.  My husband interjects, 'You can't write about church we had the electricity on for the music group and projector, so it doesn't count.'  She leaves the room in a strop. 
I give up and start writing this entry!!!! Ho hum.  5.43pm What did we do in Earth hour???  Hahahaha, I observed the lesser spotted ADHD girl at work in her natural habitat!

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