Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Recovery Day 6

After spending the night at Ronald McDonald House with Immi - just one seizure at 6.15 this morning,  we popped back into the ward to be discharged.
Immi still has a way to go; still swollen and needs wound care, and her right foot is dropping more than before, but we can go home.
They very sensibly put in absorbable stitches so we would have to journey back up but we have to keep it dry or they might disolve too soon.
We are so proud of how she has managed, now the biggest challenge is to keep her safe while she heals- she isn’t great at limiting herself- and is a bit clumsy at the best of times!- and a fall (from a seizure or otherwise) could do a lot of damage at this point.
We value your thoughts and prayers as we take her home. Xxx

Oh nearly forgot, a lot of people have asked about the results of the biopsy. We asked how long it would be and they said it will be quite a few weeks. 3-4weeks for histology and then it will go to national discussion team and only after that when they have a direction will they get in touch with us. Xxx

Been in and out, just about to leave and she has conked out!!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing progress already! Praying for you as you return home and especially for protection over the wound- from infection, from falls and for it to close and completely heal.
