Thursday, 13 July 2017

A Big Week - day four

Oh my beyond tired. You know that way when you are so tired you feel sick...thats me right now. Big shout out to the friends around the world that kept me going last night!

Immi did well last night. She drank enough and kept falling in and put of sleep, not helped by hourly obs of course! Her blood pressure and temp were a bit low so it stayed hourly all night. She only had one, short seizure during the night but I had completely forgotten how loud wards are. I am sure it wasn't this bad last time. The chap in the camp bed in the next bay with his daughter was making all sorts of noise - wont go into details, you can imagine! It wasnt pleasant!
She has eaten breakfast this morning (not even 7.30 yet!) And we are waiting for Murray to turn up - then Immi has to have a CT scan again this morning! Im so proud of how Immi is coping with everything, she has been so brave.

A few hours on and the CT scan went well - although as the scanner was in demand we had to bribe swift cooperation with the promise of a McDonalds!

 The scan checked that all electrodes are placed well and are working as expected, which they are.  Ironically Immi has still only had one seizure so far, ironic as she had 4 the day before the op, but the drs say that the anaesthetic prevents seizures so it will probably pick up again. If we dont get some tonight then they will drop out one of her 3 meds tomorrow to try and induce some.
She is doing well, talking, eating, drinking and just a bit uncomfortable which isn't surprising. All in all doing as well as can be expected. Just need a few more seizures to measure now (the only time we will ever be wishing for more seizures!!)

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